Thank you for your interest in the Case of the Month. Please read the following directions before submitting your case. 

  • PowerPoint submissions will be prioritized based on uniqueness of the cases, quality of the images/videos and comprehensiveness of discussion.
  • There should be no more than 5 images/videos and 10 slides per submission.
  • Material on the PowerPoint slides should be concise. 
  • Personal details (patient identifiers) which could potentially identify a patient must not be included. All images must be rendered anonymous (no time stamp/dates on images and no unique patient characteristics (age, parity, race etc.) should be included in the written material). Please note that very unique cases may require consent as a patient could potentially be identified by the unique circumstances presented. 
  • By submitting your case you grant ISUOG an exclusive licence for the full period of the copyright throughout the world. The exclusive licence allows us to publish the final version of the Case Report on the ISUOG website, accessible to ISUOG members. 


Each PowerPoint submission should include the following:

Phase I - Challenge (maximum 5 slides)

  • Title - Gives a hint to the case. For example: “Cystic lesion in the abdomen”, or “New finding in the fetal brain”.
  • Summary of the case - descriptive enough to show that the case is relevant, interesting and worth discussing. This information is for reviewers only and will not be made public when case is released.
  • Author information – The author’s full name, location and institutional affiliation should be listed and original images/videos credited appropriately.
  • Case - A short description of the case, starting with the patient’s history, investigation. 
  • Images/videos - Submissions should include high quality images and/or short, edited videos. All images presented should be de-identified and cropped as appropriate. For unique images, especially those using new/emerging technology, a technical description of how the image was obtained is requested. 
  • Challenge to the audience – please pose appropriate questions about the case and/or images to promote reflective thinking. Examples might include:  “What is your working diagnosis? What investigations would you order?  How would you counsel the parents regarding prognosis?


Phase II - Solution (maximum 5 slides) (to be published on-line the following month, together with the next challenge)

  • Wrap up and Discussion - The following month the answers to the case will be posted. Discussion slide(s) including description/discussion of the images, differential diagnoses, imaging pointers to refine the diagnosis (“pearls”), pertinent ancillary information such as supporting literature, the answer to the case and how you arrived at the answer should be provided. All questions posed to the audience should be answered. 
  • Conclusion - A discussion of why the case is interesting with references to relevant VISUOG chapters to supplement learning.


Download the Case of the Month template, as submissions will only be accepted if they adhere to the correct format.

Cases will be reviewed by members of the VISUOG Task Force for uniqueness and interest to the imaging community. All decisions are final.

Please submit your case according to the above guidlines and template to [email protected].
