ISUOG educational courses provide you with the latest developments, best practices, and debates on key topics affecting obstetrics and gynecology practitioners across the globe.
ISUOG education offers a mix of beginner, intermediate and advanced ultrasound courses to continue your professional development and gain CME. Delivered by world-leading experts, ISUOG education courses are interactive and include panel discussions, case studies, and practical demonstrations.
Register for a course today to advance your theory knowledge and enhance your practical skills.
Upcoming courses and webinars
Point of Care Ultrasound
Join us on Sunday 20th October 2024 for our advanced education course on 'Point of Care' led by Prof. Asma Khalil and Dr Conrado Coutinho with a panel of international experts. A full day of online learning and CME accreditation. Update your knowledge and learn how to understand and apply the learnings to your practise.
Webinar: Fetal anomalies detected at the third trimester: How to manage and counsel the parents
This webinar is now able to be watched on-demand, this ISUOG education webinar on fetal anomalies detected at the third trimester covers basic and advanced approaches to fetal anomaly detection, performance of a third trimester scan and management techniques in counselling parents. Expect 2 hours of engaging discussions and learning.
Webinar: Desvendando o potencial da ultrassonografia transvaginal durante a gestação
Este será um webinar em português com objetivo de fornecer uma visão geral sobre o potencial da utilização do ultrassom transvaginal durante a gravidez.
Webinar: Manejo de las complicaciones en embarazos gemelares
Este webinar en español ofrece una visión exhaustive sobre el diagnostico y manejo de complicaciones en embarazos gemelares. Disponible de manera gratuita y bajo demanda, el seminario ofrece dos horas de discusiones enriquecedoras sobre el tema.
Webinar: Introduction à l'échographie gynécologique basée sur les consensus de l'ISUOG
Il s’agit d’un webinaire en français qui fournit une introduction à l'échographie gynécologique basée sur les consensus de l'ISUOG. Gratuit à regarder et disponible à la demande, attendez-vous à 2 heures de discussions et d’apprentissage passionnants.
MAITRISER TOUTE L’ECHOGRAPHIE OBSTETRICALE: Les techniques, les trucs et astuces et les dernières tendances avec les plus grands experts Francophones!
Rejoignez-nous le vendredi 8 novembre 2024 pour notre cours de formation avancée sur le 'MAITRISER TOUTE L’ECHOGRAPHIE OBSTETRICALE: Les techniques, les trucs et astuces et les dernières tendances avec les plus grands experts Francophones!' dirigé par le Prof. Laurent Salomon avec un panel d’experts. Une journée complète d’apprentissage en ligne et d’accréditation CME. Mettez à jour vos connaissances et apprenez tous les conseils et techniques pour maîtriser l’échographie.
Infecciones Congénitas y Síndromes Genéticos: ¿Cómo diagnosticarlos y manejarlos?
Únase a nosotros el sábado 30 de noviembre de 2024 para nuestro curso de formación avanzada sobre 'Infecciones Congénitas y Síndromes Genéticos: ¿Cómo diagnosticarlos y manejarlos?' dirigido por la Dra. Magda Sanz Cortez y el Dr. Jezid Miranda con un panel de expertos. Un día completo de aprendizaje, actualiza tus conocimientos y aprende a reconocer marcadores ecográficos específicos indicativos de infecciones congénitas.
ISUOG education courses
Our education courses cover a wide variety of subjects on ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology. Popular ultrasound training courses this year have included topics such as pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction, first-trimester ultrasound, fetal echocardiography, endometriosis, fetal anomalies, early pregnancy, fetal neurosonography, and many more.
The International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology provides the highest quality education courses for (but not limited to) the following professionals:
- Fetal medicine specialists
- Sonographers
- Obstetricians
- Gynecologists
- Radiologists scanning pregnant women
- Obstetrics and Gynecology residents
Courses Sub-Committee
The Courses Sub-Committee is responsible for the development and delivery of ISUOG’s education courses, webinars and education material for dissemination. These events provide clinicians in ultrasound an opportunity to stay educated and current with new research and teachings in obstetrics and gynecology. If you would like to suggest a topic for education please email, [email protected]
Certification FAQs
Does ISUOG offer certificates of attendance for education courses?
Yes, ISUOG offers certificates of attendance for our education courses. Please note the ISUOG certificate of attendance will be available for one year after a course.
Does ISUOG offer CME certificates for education courses?
ISUOG's education courses are accredited on a case by case basis. Please check the course webpage for information on CME accreditation. Please note the CME certificate will be available for one month after a course. After one month registered delegates will only be able to download their ISUOG certificate of attendance.
How do I download my certificate?
Following a course registered delegates will receive an email with a link to submit an evaluation form. After completing the evaluation form, registered delegates will be redirected to their certificate, which can be filled in before downloading. Please be sure to download your certificate before exiting the survey.