First trimester ultrasound: the past, the present and the future
Dr Simon Meagher is consultant sonologist at the Perinatal department, Mercy Hospital for Women, Melbourne. He also serves as Medical Director of Monash Ultrasound for Women where he oversees a team of 50 sonologists, sonographers, genetic counsellors, phlebotomists and administrative staff in delivering a tertiary level ultrasound service across south east Melbourne. Dr Meagher has dedicated 30 years of his term as Medical Director, teaching and lecturing in obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound both locally and overseas. He has delivered over 800 lectures, across 17 countries, and 43 cities worldwide. In 2015, he was awarded ‘Sonologist of The Year’ by the Australian society of Ultrasound in medicine (ASUM) in recognition of his teaching skills and his commitment to hands on training within the hospital setting at the Mercy Hospital for Women and for his commitment and contributions to ASUM.
His interest in clinical research has focussed on early pregnancy screening and diagnosis he has published over 100 articles in peer review journals, including 15 articles in the last 3 years focusing on first trimester pregnancy screening and diagnosis. Dr Meagher has described five original sonographic fetal markers during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. He is now focusing his interest on aneuploidy and embryo development from seven to 10 weeks as we approach the dawn of a new era of genetic screening via free fetal DNA analysis.
Dr Meagher has taken on multiple leadership positions - early in his career as the Chair of the Standards of Practice Committee at ASUM, examiner and executive board member for the ASUM Diploma of diagnostic ultrasound and later as council member of ASUM. Thereafter he served as Chairman of the Victoria Obstetric Sonologists group and on several ISUOG Sub-Committees at the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound.
Country: Australia
Field: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Specialties: Prenatal Diagnosis. First and Second Trimester Fetal anomaly screening. Aneuploidy screening and diagnosis. NIPT and prenatal Exome sequencing. Maternal and Fetal Doppler Ultrasound. Invasive Prenatal Procedures. Ultrasound and Infertility. Tubal Patency Testing.
Languages: English
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