Não perca o primeiro Simpósio Internacional Latino-Americano virtual de Ultrassom em Obstetrícia e Ginecologia da ISUOG nos dias 7-8 de maio de 2022.

Junte-se a nós em 7-8 de maio de 2022 no nosso evento virtual único projetado para ajudá-lo a melhorar suas habilidades práticas diagnósticas e de exames de imagem numa série de cenários na América Latina, sendo Prof. Juan Luis Alcazar, al Prof. Kypros Nicolaides e Dr. Roberto Romero os principais palestrantes
Nosso programa científico foi criado pelos principais profissionais de obstetrícia e ginecologia internacional para apresentar os avanços mais recentes nos exames de imagem obstetrícios e ginecológicos para melhorar a saúde feminina na América Latina.
O evento de dois dias inclui palestras, demonstrações de exames e discussões interativas para praticar e aprimorar suas habilidades e a oportunidade de se relacionar com instrutores e pares de toda a região.
Principais palestrantes:

Co-Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Prof. Juan Luis Alcazar is a full Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. He is a member of the Board of International Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Notable Publications:

Alcázar JL, Galván R, Albela S, Martinez S, Pahisa J, Jurado M, López-García G. Assessing myometrial infiltration by endometrial cancer: uterine virtual navigation with three-dimensional US. Radiology. 2009 Mar;250(3):776-83.

Alcázar JL, García-Manero M. Ovarian endometrioma vascularization in women with pelvic pain. Fertil Steril. 2007 Jun;87(6):1271-6 4. Alcazar JL, Galvan R. Three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound scanning for the prediction of endometrial cancer in women with postmenopausal bleeding and thickened endometrium. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 

Country: Spain

Field: Gynecology

Specialties: 3D & 4D ultrasound; gynecological ultrasound; gynecological oncology; early pregnancy

Languages: English; Spanish

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1999 Gold Medal Award article

Prof. Kypros Nicolaides is Professor of Fetal Medicine at King’s College Hospital, London. He was born in Cyprus and studied medicine at Kings, training in obstetrics and gynecology and specialising in fetal medicine. He has carried out extensive research in many aspects of fetal diagnosis and therapy leading to the publication of more than 1400 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. His research publications on imaging and prenatal diagnosis have transformed ultrasound practice and his work to implement quality control for nuchal translucency has led to this technique becoming an established screening test of Down's syndrome and other genetic conditions. He was awarded the ISUOG Ian Donald Gold Medal in 1999 in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the field.

He has provided training in fetal medicine to more than 500 doctors from 50 countries and has supervised more than 50 doctors to undertake research leading to PhDs and MDs. In 1995 he founded the charity The Fetal Medicine Foundation, which has donated more than £45 million to promote research and training in fetal medicine throughout the world.

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Dr Roberto Romero, MD, D.Med.Sci., is Chief of the Perinatology Research Branch of the NICHD/NIH. He trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Yale University, where he was Director of Perinatal Research, before joining NIH.  Dr. Romero’s team has made seminal contributions to the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies, prediction and prevention of preterm labor/delivery, and the role of infection/inflammation in preterm and term parturition.

In addition, Dr. Romero is an author of over 1000 peer-reviewed publications and several books, including the medical best seller, Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine and the recipient of 14 Doctorate Honoris Causa and Honorary Professorships from Universities worldwide.

Dr. Romero has been honored by national and international professional societies for his medical and scientific contributions, including the Ian Donald Gold Medal (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology), the Erich Saling Award from the World Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Maternité Prize in Obstetrics, awarded by the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, and also, is the first obstetrician to receive the prestigious Asan Award in Medicine from the Asan Foundation in South Korea.  

Dr. Romero is Editor-in-Chief for Obstetrics of one of the oldest journals in its discipline, the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The journal has a circulation of 42,000 in the United States and has published seminal work that has the changed the lives of mothers and children.


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Dr Antonia Carla Testa studied medicine at the Catholic University in Rome. She did her residency in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the same university and specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She obtained a Doctorate in fetal and pediatric cardiological sciences.

Since 1998 she worked in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Catholic University in Rome. In 2004 she became an Assistant Professor in the same University. Since 1989 she has been involved in ultrasound research, at first in the use of Doppler velocimetry in pregnancy and then in the study of ovarian masses and oncological pathologies. At present she is in charge of the gyne-oncological ultrasound service at the Catholic University in Rome.

Country: Italy

Field: Gynecology

Specialties: Gynecological oncology, gynecological ultrasound

Languages: Italian, English

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Destaques do Programa Científico:

  • COVID-19 na América Latina: atualização
  • Prognóstico e prevenção da pré-eclâmpsia na LATAM 
  • Destaques das diretrizes da ISUOG para partos prematuros na LATAM
  • Triagem para parto prematuro na América Latina com demonstração de exame
  • Terapias fetais com impacto na LATAM
  • Resultados perinatais de manejo pré-natal de hérnia diafragmática na América Latina
  • Opinião de especialistas no diagnóstico e manejo de restrição de crescimento fetal
  • Curvas de crescimento fetal na América Latina
Preços de Inscrição (USD $)
Membro da ISUOG $ 200,00
Não membro $ 225,00
Residente/Trainee Membro da ISUOG $ 100,00
Residente/Trainee Não Membro $ 125,00
Membro da ISUOG – renda média $ 175,00
Não membro – renda média $ 200,00
Membro da ISUOG – baixa renda $ 105,00
Não membro – baixa renda $ 130,00

Por que participar?

  • Principal programa científico: Ouça os principais médicos e pesquisadores da comunidade internacional e os especialistas locais da América Latina na obstetrícia, ginecologia e ultrassonografia 
  • Atualizações inovadoras: Aprenda as novas técnicas e tecnologias na obstetrícia, ginecologia e ultrassonografia 
  • Flexibilidade: Você poderá assistir às sessões ao vivo ou sob demanda no momento, ritmo e local adequados para você
  • Discussão ao vivo: Você poderá fazer perguntas, compartilhar sua opinião e participar da discussão
  • CME/CPD: A ISUOG visa o credenciamento daqueles que participarem do evento ao vivo e atualizará o site com os detalhes o quanto antes
  • Filiação: Todos os não membros inscritos para o Simpósio Internacional receberão a filiação básica da ISUOG por 12 meses, iniciando-se em um mês a partir da inscrição


