Key speaker at our inaugural Trainee Webinar, Prof. Christoph Lees, offers a glimpse of what's to come in his session on 'Use of Intra-partum ultrasound'. PLUS, Prof. Lees shares recent article 'The sonopartogram'.

What specific topics will be covered in your webinar session on ultrasound in labour?
I’ll cover the indications for ultrasound in the labour ward, how it gives additional information and may replace unnecessary internal examinations, and I’ll talk a little about hand help ‘point of care’ machines
What key insights and practical knowledge can participants expect to gain from your session?
When, how and why to do ultrasound-and not to be frightened of it. It really adds to clinical skills.
What are some emerging trends or advancements in ultrasound technology that are relevant to labour management, and will these be discussed?
The big potential advance is hand held point of care (PoCUS) ultrasound machines. They are lightweight, easily chargeable and very robust. Best of all they have a really good image quality nowadays. I think that the obstetrician and midwife of the future will carry one in their pockets!
Can you share examples of how ultrasound findings during labour have improved clinical decision-making, which will be shared with attendees?
They frequently help my confidence when I’m doing an instrumental delivery with forceps and ventouse. Ultrasound also helps in women with very preterm pregnancies where it is important to assess presentation or amniotic fluid, for example. In both cases, it improves certainty of decision-making and qlulaity of information. But use it together with clinical skills-it doesn’t replace them.
Will the webinar provide practical guidance on using ultrasound in labour, and will there be interactive activities or case discussions?
I’ll discuss a couple of cases, and also the potential for intrapartum ultrasound simulation to help with training in transperineal ultrasound.
Finally, is there any reading for delegates you can share ahead of the webinar that would be relevant to your topic?
Here is our recent research paper 'The sonopartogram'.
Join Prof. Lees for his session on 'Use of Intra-partum ultrasound', as well as Prof. Antonia Testa speaking about 'Differential diagnosis of myometrial lesions' and Webinar Chair, Dr Srdjan Saso, on 5 July.