Find out more about the international and regional speakers and chairpersons who will be delivering the scientific program.
Plenary speakers
- Harmonizing gynecological cancer care in Asia - Keiichi Fujiwara, Japan
- Implementation of preeclampsia screening and prevention across Asia - Liona Poon, China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- Fetal echo for all - Rabih Chaoui, Germany
- Integrating the use of IOTA descriptors and the ADNEX model into an intuitive two step approach to classifying ovarian masses - Dirk Timmerman, Belgium
Prof. Dr Rabih Chaoui, was born and schooled in Beirut, Lebanon. His medical studies and specialisation in obstetrics and gynecology were undertaken at the Charité Medical School, Humboldt University, in Berlin, Germany. Between 2001 and 2004, he was professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Charité University Hospital, Berlin and since 2004 he has worked at the Center of Prenatal Diagnosis and Human Genetics in Berlin. An ISUOG member since 1994, he has been a Board member from 2003 to 2013, including two terms as Chair of the Education Committee, and received the Stuart Campbell Award for Education in 2018.
Prof. Dr Chaoui has written three books on fetal ultrasound and more than 250 papers and monographies. Since 1986, his major interest has been in fetal ultrasound to include fetal heart, fetal 3D, first trimester ultrasound, ultrasound in genetic diseases and high-resolution ultrasound.
Executive Committee, Finance & Risk Committee, Nominations Committee, China Task Force, UOG Editorial Board
Professor Liona Poon is an Academic Subspecialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine, devoted in improving maternal and fetal health. She has had a prolific research output throughout her clinical and research posts, including over 130 peer-reviewed publications in high impact international journals. In the last 10 years she has focused her research on establishing a programme for effective early prediction and prevention of preeclampsia, a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. With her success in developing a first-trimester prediction model for preeclampsia using maternal risk factors, ultrasound, blood pressure and biochemical markers, and on Aspirin prophylaxis against preeclampsia, her goal in the next 10 years is to improve obstetric care worldwide, through clinical research and education.
Notable Publications:
Aspire trial: incidence of preterm preeclampsia in patients fulfulling ACOG and NICE criteria according to risk by the FMF algorithm. Poon LC, Rolnik DL, Tan MY, Delgado JL, Tsokaki T, Akolekar R, Singh M, Andrade W, Efeturk T, Jani JC, Plasencia W, Papaioannou G, Blazquez AR, Carbone IF, Wright D, Nikolaides KH.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2018 Jan 30. doi: 10.1002/uog.19019 [Epub ahead of print]
Aspirin versus Placebo in Pregnancies at High Risk of Preterm Preeclampsia. Rolnik DL, Wright D, Poon LC, O'Gorman N, Syngelaki A, de Paco Matallana C, Akolekar R, Cicero S, Janga D, Singh M, Molina FS, Persico N, Jani JC, Plasencia W, Papaioannou G, Tennebaum Gavish K, Meiri H, Gizurarson S, Maclagan K, Nicolaides K.H.
New England Journal Medicine 2017, 2017 Jun 28. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1704559. [Epub ahead of print]
Country: China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Field: Obstetrics
Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening 1st trimester and 2nd trimester; fetal biometry and wellbeing; fetal anomalies screening; aneuploidy screening; fetal anomalies; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; multiple pregnancy; preeclampsia; preterm delivery; fetal growth; detection of fetal and neonatal growth abnormalities; ultrasound on the labour ward
Languages: English; Chinese (Mandarin); Chinese (Cantonese)
ISUOG Advisory Group, UOG Editorial Board
Prof. Dirk Timmerman is a Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at KU Leuven, Belgium, and Clinical Head of benign gynecology and early pregnancy UZ Leuven. He is also Vice-chair of the Medical Council at the University Hospitals Leuven and Senior Clinical Investigator of the Scientific Research Fund (FWO) Flanders. He is coordinator of the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) collaborative group, including more than 50 centres for ovarian cancer diagnosis throughout the world. The IOTA group aims to develop new algorithms and liquid biopsies to diagnose and detect ovarian cancer and provide optimal care of adnexal tumors (included patients n>22,500). He has been awarded the Inbev Baillet-Latour Prize for Clinical Research 2014, Fellowship ad eundem from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG, London, 2014) and the William J. Fry Memorial Lecture Award from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2016 at AIUM Annual Convention, New York.
Country: Belgium
Field: Gynecology
Specialties: Gynecological ultrasound; gynecological oncology; early pregnancy
Languages: English; Dutch; French
All speakers and chairpersons
Dr. Mary Menuro Acda is an active consultant at Calamba Medical Center, HealthServ Los Baños Medical Center, Pamana Medical Center, and St. John the Baptist Medical Center, all based in Laguna, Philippines. Her special interests include management of high-risk pregnancy conditions and antenatal diagnosis of fetal conditions through use of obstetric ultrasound.
Mary completed her residency training in obstetrics and gynecology in 2017 and her fellowship training in maternal-fetal medicine in 2019 and at the University of the Philippines College of Medicine – Philippine General Hospital, and is currently a diplomate of the Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (Foundation), Inc. (POGS). She also has papers presented and published both locally and internationally, one of which describes the use of high-dose cytarabine in two cases of maternal acute myeloid leukemia diagnosed in the second trimester.
She is also one of the ten recipients of the Gawad Felicisimo T. San Luis Namumukod-Tanging Kabataan ng Laguna (Outstanding Youth of Laguna Awards) for 2006.
Country: Philippines
Field: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Obstetric Ultrasound
Specialties: High-risk pregnancy; targeted imaging for fetal anomalies; fetal biometry and well-being; maternal and fetal Doppler studies; fetal interventional procedures; first trimester imaging
Languages: English; Filipino
Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Parma Honorary Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, University Hospital of Parma Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Imperial College UK
Prof. Andrea Dall'Asta, PhD is currently Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Parma, Honorary Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at the University Hospital of Parma, Italy and Honorary Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London, UK. His clinical and research interests are focused on Maternal and Fetal Medicine and particularly on fetal growth restriction, intrapartum ultrasound and advanced prenatal imaging.
Prof. Dall’Asta graduated and completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and PhD in Medical Sciences at the University of Parma, Italy, and had Fetal Medicine and Obstetric training in the United Kingdom at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, London. He is author and co-author of over 80 peer reviewed manuscripts and several chapters published in textbooks of international relevance and collaborates as a reviewer for several International Journals. He is currently member of the Safety Committee and of the Next Generation Committee of the International Society on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and co-chair of the Fetal Growth Committee of the Italian Society on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (SIEOG). Prof. Dall’Asta has been appointed Editorial Board Member for the Fetal Medicine section of BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth in June 2018.
Country: Italy
Field: Obstetrics, Fetal Medicine & advanced imaging, Fetal growth restriction, Ultrasound in the labour ward
Specialties: fetal anomaly assessment in the first and second trimester, fetal growth and Doppler, fetal anomalies, ultrasound in the labour ward.
Languages: Italian, English
Jan Deprest MD PhD FRCOG is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the KU Leuven (B) and UCL (UK). He has a research interest in fetal surgery, in particular to antenatal interventions to modulate fetal development in case of congenital birth defects.
He directs the clinical fetal surgery program in Leuven, and sets up the program at University College London Hospital to treat fetuses with spina bifida and congenital diaphragmatic hernia, funded by the Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity.
Patient Information Task Force
Dr Nguyen Ha T is the Head of the Imaging Diagnostic Department, Tu Du Maternal Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for nearly 20 Years. Tu Du Hospital, the leading referral Fetal-Maternal Hospital in Vietnam, is responsible for 70,000 deliveries and thousands of fetal abnormalities a year. Dr Ha is also the Vice President of the Vietnamese Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, which has strong ties to and collaboration accitivites with ISUOG. As a pioneer in the first trimester screening and diagnosis of chromosomal abnormality, managing fetal structural abnormalities and high-risk pregnancy, Dr. Ha has contributed to building up the standard prenatal care in Vietnam as well as trained thousands of Vietnamese doctors in OBGYN Ultrasound and fetal medicine.
Country: Vietnam
Field: Diagnostic Imaging in OBGYN, Fetal Medicine
Specialties: Routine fetal anomaly screening in first and second trimester, management of high-risk pregnancy, fetal growth restriction, multiple pregnancy, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, fetal brain MRI.
Languages: Vietnamese, English
Nominations Committee
Prof. Jon Hyett trained in obstetrics and gynecology and sub-specialised in maternal and fetal medicine in the UK. He is currently Joint Head of the Discipline of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Neonataology at the University of Sydney. He is involved nationally with the Nuchal Translucency Accreditation Program of RANZCR / RANZCOG and internationally with the obstetric ultrasound accreditation programs run by the Fetal Medicine Foundation, UK and ISUOG. Jon is also involved in the Scientific Committee, which oversees the production and development of the scientific program for the ISUOG World Congress.
Country: Australia
Field: Obstetrics
Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening T1 & T2; fetal biometry and wellbeing; aneuploidies; fetal anomalies; fetal heart; fetal brain; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; fetal interventional procedures; multiple pregnancy; preeclampsia; preterm delivery; genetics
Language: English
Dr. Ashok Khurana commenced his medical studies at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India in 1975, and, after completing his MBBS went on to do a post graduate (MD) degree in Radiology which he completed in 1984. During this period he had the unique experience of establishing the ultrasound services at this premier institution under the guidance of Prof. Sneh Bhargava who is widely regarded as the “guru” of contemporary medical imaging in India. It was during this time that he also had the opportunity to train at the ultrasound department of the Herlev Hospital in Denmark under the tutelage of Prof. Hans Henrik Holm, a pioneer in ultrasound technology and its medical applications. Armed with this experience he went on to establish a private medical facility in New Delhi, with the vision of providing world class ultrasound services. Read more.
Country: India
Field: Fetal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Specialties: Color Doppler, 3D and 4D ultrasound, ultrasound guided surgical procedures, transrectal scans, transvaginal scans.
"In a country where more mothers and newborns die than anywhere else in the world, there has been an increasing need to incorporate quality ultrasound in antenatal care. It has been heartening to s ee the change in the way ultrasound scans are now carried out in many parts of my country. ISUOG’s education has played a major role in this. I have drawn hugely on the name and academic content of ISUOG to run major ISUOG events in New Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kochi and Mumbai as well as smaller, personalised courses. This has included professing ultrasound guidelines, projecting guidelines for the appropriate use of Doppler studies and spreading awareness of ISUOG's online academic content. Future direction includes taking the mission of ISUOG to the remotest areas, increasing awareness of the utility of ISUOG educational material in gynecological ultrasound, and increasing the visibility of the White Journal."

Dr Lee works in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the CHA Bundang Medical Center (Gyeonggi-Do, Korea). She did her internship and residency with the Severance Hospital at the Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. Dr Lee completed her Postdoctorial Fellowship in 2007-2008 at Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital, MA, USA. She is also a member of the Korean Society of Gynecologic Endocrinology.
Currently, Dr Leung is working in a private O&G clinic and as the director of Maternal Fetal Medicine Center in Gleneagles Hong Kong.He is an Honorary Associate Professor, Dept. of O&G in The University of Hong Kong (from 2001), as well as in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (from 2011). In the Professional bodies, Dr Leung is the chairman of Hong Kong Society for Ultrasound in Medicine, a member of ISUOG Regional Advisory Group, Asia, and the chairman of education committee of AFSUMB. He authored 100 peer-reviewed papers and four book chapters. He is a senior editor of Hong Kong Medical Journal, a member of the Editorial Board, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, a guest Editor of Healthcare Journal, and a reviewer Editor of Frontiers in Medicine. Previously, Dr Leung was an ambassador of ISUOG (2014-2020), and the Chairman of the third International Scientific meeting ISUOG in Hong Kong (2007). His qualificatios are: 1985 M.B.,B.S. (HK), 1994 Dip Epidemiology and Applied Statistics (CUHK), 1995 Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (O&G), 2004 F.R.C.O.G. (U.K.), 2006 Maternal fetal medicine subspecialist, HKCOG, 2012 M.D. (HK), 2016 Certificate HKCOG (MFM).
First trimester ultrasound:Â the past, the present and the future
Dr Simon Meagher is consultant sonologist at the Perinatal department, Mercy Hospital for Women, Melbourne. He also serves as Medical Director of Monash Ultrasound for Women where he oversees a team of 50 sonologists, sonographers, genetic counsellors, phlebotomists and administrative staff in delivering a tertiary level ultrasound service across south east Melbourne. Dr Meagher has dedicated 30 years of his term as Medical Director, teaching and lecturing in obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound both locally and overseas. He has delivered over 800 lectures, across 17 countries, and 43 cities worldwide. In 2015, he was awarded ‘Sonologist of The Year’ by the Australian society of Ultrasound in medicine (ASUM) in recognition of his teaching skills and his commitment to hands on training within the hospital setting at the Mercy Hospital for Women and for his commitment and contributions to ASUM.
His interest in clinical research has focussed on early pregnancy screening and diagnosis he has published over 100 articles in peer review journals, including 15 articles in the last 3 years focusing on first trimester pregnancy screening and diagnosis. Dr Meagher has described five original sonographic fetal markers during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. He is now focusing his interest on aneuploidy and embryo development from seven to 10 weeks as we approach the dawn of a new era of genetic screening via free fetal DNA analysis.
Dr Meagher has taken on multiple leadership positions - early in his career as the Chair of the Standards of Practice Committee at ASUM, examiner and executive board member for the ASUM Diploma of diagnostic ultrasound and later as council member of ASUM. Thereafter he served as Chairman of the Victoria Obstetric Sonologists group and on several ISUOG Sub-Committees at the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound.
Country: Australia
Field: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Specialties: Prenatal Diagnosis. First and Second Trimester Fetal anomaly screening. Aneuploidy screening and diagnosis. NIPT and prenatal Exome sequencing. Maternal and Fetal Doppler Ultrasound. Invasive Prenatal Procedures. Ultrasound and Infertility. Tubal Patency Testing.
Languages: English
Dr. An-Chi Mu is a trained clinical radiologist, who has special interest in maternal-fetal diagnosis and wellbeing. She obtained the Fetal Medicine Diploma awarded from The Fetal Medicine Foundation (UK) where she participated actively in several research projects under the guidance of Professor Kypros Nicolaides, particularly in the field of screening for term preeclampsia and its possible treatment plan. Currently practicing at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Fetal Medicine Unit, she continues to be actively involved in research projects with special focus in maternal fetal cardiovascular assessment.
Obstetric Surgeon, Associate Member of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital CEMIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Professor of Anatomy and Head of Department, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Airlangga, Indonesia.
Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, London, UK.
Consultant in Uterine Conservation Techniques Placenta accreta spectrum and Cesarean scar pregnancy.
Country: Argentina
Field: Obstetrics
Specialties: Obstetric Surgery
Languages: Spanish, English
Prof. Ritsuko Kimata Pooh was born in Osaka, Japan in 1960. She graduated from Law Department of Keio University, Tokyo, and thereafter graduated from the Medical School of Tokushima University with social, legal and ethical viewpoints. After her graduation from medical school in 1990, she has dedicated most of her time to clinical research and investigation in fetal medicine and perinatology. She has especially introduced the most sophisticated fetal neuroimaging from 1996 by using transvaginal sonography, three dimensional ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. She established CRIFM clinical research institute of fetal medicine in Osaka in 2007. Her recent study of medullary vein development and neuronal migration disorder of fetal brain are worthy of note, and she received the Alfred Alfred Kratochwil Award at the ISUOG Congress in 2011, Lifetime achievement award in WCPM (World Congress in Perinatal Medicine) in 2015, and Sir William Liley medal in International Congress on Fetus as a Patient in 2016. Her remarkable research on fetal brain has been internationally approved by perinatologists as well as neurologists and neurosurgeons. She published more than 70 original scientific papers 150 review articles and the books; An Atlas of Fetal Central Nervous System, Diagnosis and Management in 2003, Fetal Neurology in 2009, Atlas of Advanced Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2015.
Her early detection of fetal abnormalities in ‘Sonoembryology’ can be described as art of science in the uterus. Furthermore, she has been establishing a new field of Sonogenetics, combining detailed sonogram with cytogenetics and molecular genetics from 2009 and performing quite a number of invasive genetic procedures including more than 1,500s CVS and 300 amniocenteses per year. In the era of prenatal diagnoses with advanced molecular genetics and maternal serum with cfDNA, she has emphasized the importance of observing fetuses by ultrasound. She established the clinical genetic laboratory (Ritz Medical Clinical Lab.) in Osaka with the aim of ultimate sonogenetics in 2011. She has truly been one of the international executives in research as well as education in a field of perinatology.
Notable publications:
Ritsuko K. Pooh, Kohei Shiota, Asim Kurjak. Imaging of the human embryo with magnetic resonance imaging microscopy and high-resolution transvaginal 3-dimensional sonography: human embryology in the 21st century. AJOG. 2011;204(1):77-9
POOH RK. Sonoembryology by 3D HDlive silhouette ultrasound - what is added by the "see-through fashion"? Journal of Perinatal Medicine. Mar 2016; 44(2): 139-48.
Country: Japan
Field: Obstetrics
Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening 1st trimester and 2nd trimester, aneuploidy screening, fetal anomalies screening, fetal anomalies, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy, genetics, fetal brain (fetal neurology)
Languages: Japanese, English
Dr Prathima Radhakrishnan is the Director of Bangalore Fetal Medicine Centre (BFMC) and FGi Fetal Care Units (FFCU), the latter being a chain of clinics caring for the fetus across the city and nearby towns which perform highly specialised Obstetric scans and procedures. She is the first Indian to get Diploma in Fetal Medicine from Fetal Medicine Foundation, UK in February 2011. She is also the first to perform Therapeutic Fetoscopic Laser for complicated monochorionic twin pregnancy in the country. Dr Prathima’s passion for the fetus has made BFMC one of the leading centres for tertiary level fetal care and a premiere education and training centre for doctors desiring to specialise in Fetal Medicine and Genetics in India. BFMC is in the frontline of original research work, having presented several papers in regional, national, and international conferences. In addition, research papers from BFMC have been published in leading national and international journals. She has over 50 research publications, articles, guideline publications and chapters to her credit. Dr Prathima is an FMF accredited trainer & examiner for the Nuchal Translucency scan, Anomaly scan, Doppler, and invasive procedures certification in India. In addition to training several doctors onsite in fetal medicine and obstetric imaging, Dr Prathima has trained several doctors across the country and abroad with her structured online courses in Obstetric imaging. Her research interests includes screening for aneuploidies, preeclampsia, growth restriction, complications of multiple pregnancies, and fetal effects of maternal diabetes.
Notable publications:
Radhakrishnan P, Venkataravanappa S, Acharya V, Sahana R, Shettikeri A: Prediction of Fetal Anemia in Subsequent Transfusions: Is There a Need to Change the Threshold of the Peak Systolic Velocity of the Middle Cerebral Artery? Fetal Diagn Ther 2020; 47:491-496. doi: 10.1159/000505398
Radhakrishnan P, Phadtare S Fetal Therapy in India. Textbook for Neonatologists, in press, 2020
Shettikeri A, Acharya V, V S, Sahana R, Radhakrishnan P: Outcome of Pregnancies Diagnosed with TRAP Sequence Prenatally: A Single-Centre Experience. Fetal Diagn Ther 2019. doi: 10.1159/000503389
Kaul A, Radhakrishnan P. Performance of Common Down Syndrome Screening Methods Used in India with Construction of an Indian Nomogram for Nuchal Translucency/Crown-Rump Length Measurements in 14,337 Subjects. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2019;69(Suppl 2):142-146. doi:10.1007/s13224-018-1196-3
Sharma, A., Tayal, T., BH, N., Radhakrishnan, P. and Kaul, A. (2013), Nasal bone length: the long and short of it. Evaluation of the reference values for the fetal nasal bone length at 16 to 25 weeks of gestational age in an Indian population. Prenat Diagn, 33: 800-803. doi:10.1002/pd.4114
Narayani BH, Radhakrishnan P. Mid-second trimester measurement of nasal bone length in the Indian population. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2013; 63:2013–63. doi: 10.1007/s13224-012-0335-5.
Country: India
Field: Obstetrics imaging; Fetal Medicine
Specialties: Early screening and diagnosis of fetal anomalies; fetal cardiac screening and diagnosis of anomalies; fetal growth restriction; multiple pregnancies; preeclampsia; maternal diabetes; prenatal diagnosis; fetal therapy
Languages: English
Executive Committee, Honours Committee, Nominations Committee, Fetal MRI Special Interest Group, UOG Editorial Board
Prof. Laurent Salomon is a senior consultant in the Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine at Necker-Enfants-Malades Hospital and full professor at Paris Descartes University. His special interests are imaging technologies including MRI, Twins, Fetal surgery, Statistics, Teaching processes and Quality control. Laurent completed a PhD in Physics with distinction (Paris XI Sud, Science University – Orsay), applied to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the placenta. He also completed a MSc in Medical Statistic with distinction at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
Laurent is an associate director of a Master Degree in Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Medicine at Paris Descartes University. He is on the Editorial Board of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology and involved in many committees and task forces of ISUOG. Laurent also serves on a regular basis as an expert for the National Agency for Biomedicine, French Health Authority and National Security Agency in Health Products, as well as for international research projects.
Country: France
Field: Obstetrics; Imaging; Fetal Medicine
Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening T1 & T2; fetal biometry and wellbeing; aneuploidies; fetal anomalies; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; fetal interventional procedures; multiple pregnancy
Languages: English; French
Dr S.Suresh is the Managing Director of Mediscan Systems a tertiary referral centre for Fetal Medicine in India. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of O&G London (honoriscausa) and is actively involved in training over 4000 physicians from India and other countries in Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine for over 35 years. He has several publications to his credit and is involved in various Research projects in Fetal Medicine. He has set up the Birth Defects Registry of India which is recognized as a subnational registry by the WHO. He is the managing Trustee of Fetal Care Research Foundation a Charity organisation that aims to provide access to treatment options for the underprivileged. He is a recipient of several awards and was one of the earliest to set up a Fetoscopic surgical service in India.
He is a visiting Prof in Perinatology at the Sri Ramachandra Medical University and the Chief functionary of the Voluntary Health Services, a charitable hospital in Chennai which aims to achieve affordable quality health care for all .
Notable publications:
Radio frequency ablation in Complicated Monochorionic Pregnancy : Initial Experience DOI: 10; 1007/s/40556-017-0145 Journal of Fetal Medicine, 2017 Nov PP 1-6. Pm;ome [in;ocatopm 30th Nov 2017]
Suresh Seshadri; Down Syndrome Screening in India, Are we there yet? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology India; 2017 Dec 17. 67(6) ; 393-399, Epub 2017 August 17 DOI : 10. 1007/S12098-017-2528-5
Country: India
Field: Fetal medicine
Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening 1st trimester and 2nd trimester; fetal biometry and wellbeing; fetal anomalies screening; aneuploidy screening; fetal anomalies; fetal heart; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; multiple pregnancy; 3D & 4D ultrasound; fetal intervention procedure; early pregnancy; fetal growth.
Languages: English
ISUOG International Faculty Member
Country: India
Field: Obstetrician and Gynecologist specializing in Fetal Medicine and Obstetric & Gynecological Ultrasound
Specialties: Gynecological ultrasound, 3D/4D Ultrasound, Gynecological oncology, Endometriosis
Languages: English, Hindi, Persian
Country: The Philippines
Field: Obstetrics and Gynecology
"Considered as the leading medical and academic institution in the Philippines , St. Luke's Medical Center - Global City, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology provided the first ISUOG Approved course in the Philippines - an interactive and comprehensive entitled “4th International Congress, Advances &Innovations in OBGYN, A Global Perspective” ( February 11-13, 2015). This course had 301 delegates and brought in 224 new members to ISUOG. I'm honored by this new appointment- as one of the ISUOG Ambassadors to the Philippines and would like to thank ISUOG for their appreciation of our achievements and for this exciting yet challenging role. I'm looking forward to participate and provide significant contributions in the fulfillment of the Vision and Mission of ISUOG . We will gladly appreciate support for continuing medical education- through updates, research and workshops for the OBGYN specialists/ sub-specialists in our country which will further provide good clinical outcomes for the benefit of our patients."
Scientific Committee, Honours Committee, UOG Editorial Board
Later, he was the Medical Director of Monash Ultrasound for Women, Adj. Associate Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University and Head of Perinatal Services at the Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne before relocating back to Brazil in mid-2018 as the Head of the Ultrasound Service, Dapartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ribeirao Preoto, Medical School, University of Sao Paulo. Currently, he is the Acting Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Gold Coast University Hospital and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Prof. Costa’s clinical and research interests focus on the use of ultrasound in maternal-fetal medicine, especially pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction and preterm labour. In addition, he has special interest in first trimester screening, including non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). He also supervises trainees and post-graduate students on ultrasound in gynaecology.”
Country: Australia
Field: Obstetrics and Reproduction
Specialities: Fetal Anomaly Screening T1 & T2; Aneuploidy; Fetal Anomalies; Maternal and Fetal Doppler; Fetal Growth Restriction; Preeclampsia; Preterm Delivery; 1st trimester screening including NIPT and Pre-Eclampsia; Ultrasound in reproduction
Languages: English, Portuguese
Department Chief, Dept. Obs/Gyn, Yun-Lin Branch, National Taiwan University Hospital
Head of labor ward, Dept. Obs/Gyn, Yun-Lin Branch, National Taiwan University Hospital.
Vice Secretary General, 2017 WFUMB
Assistant Professor in Dept. Obs/Gyn, National Taiwan University
Notable publications:
Antenatal depiction of the fetal ear with three-dimensional ultrasonography, Shih JC, Shyu MK, Lee CN, Wu CH, Lin GJ, Hsieh FJ., Obstet Gynecol 1998 Apr;91(4):500-5.
Role of three-dimensional power Doppler in the antenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta: comparison with gray-scale and color Doppler techniques, Shih JC, Palacios Jaraquemada JM, Su YN, Shyu MK, Lin CH, Lin SY, Lee CN. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Feb;33(2):193-203.
Country/Region/Territory: Taiwain
Field: Obstetrics
Specialties: Fetal heart, fetal anomalies screening, fetal anomalies, 3D/4D ultrasound, abnormally invasive placenta; placenta accreta, cesarean scar pregnancy
Languages: Mandarin, English
Prof. Antonia Carla Testa is currently Associate Professor of the Institute of Obstetric and Gynecological Clinics at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy and Director of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences School at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart-Claudiana University, Bolzano, Italy. She is the Director of the Departmental Operational Unit of Outpatient Gynecology and Director of the Center for Ultrasound in Gynecological Oncology “Class Ultrasound” at the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation, IRCCS.
Her main scientific areas of interest are ultrasound diagnosis of gynecological tumors, ultrasound assessment of pelvic anatomy, innovation in ultrasound. She was medical consultant for leading companies (Samsung, Esaote, GE, Canon and Philips) in the development of ultrasound equipment to improve their ability to diagnose and recognize pelvic tumor masses.
She has published over 250 papers in international Medline-indexed journals (H-index of 49 on Scopus, 8,730 citations), authored 20 international book chapters, and has given 350 invited lectures over the past ten years at international scientific meetings. She was Associate Editor of “Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology” 2006-2015. She chaired the 26th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Rome, Italy (ISUOG), 2016 with over 3,000 delegates. Since 2014, she has organized the Oncological Gynecology Ultrasound Advanced National Courses, attended by more than 3,500 gynecologists.
She was a Board Member of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), 2011-2019 and she was the Vice President of the “Società Italiana di ecografia in Ginecologia e Ostetricia”, 2008-2010. She is a member of the ISUOG Education Committee (since 2019) and Chair of the ISUOG Visual Encyclopedia (VISUOG) Gynecology Project (since 2013). She is currently the Editor of the Glown (FIGO Global Women’s Medicine) Textbook of Ultrasound in Gynecology.
As a member of the Steering Committee of the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) collaborative group (since 1999), she participated in the research protocols with the enrollment of over 35,000 patients from 35 centers globally. She organized the IOTA6 study involving more 21 centers in Italy. Through the courses she has organized in Italy, nearly 3,000 gynecologists have achieved IOTA accreditation.
She participated in the preparation of the National Guidelines for uterine sarcomas (SIGO, 2019), in the revision of the Italian Guidelines on ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology (SIEOG, 2022), in the development of the International Consensus on preoperative diagnosis of ovarian tumors (ESGO/ISUOG/IOTA/ESGE, 2021), and in the development of Guidelines for the fertility-sparing treatment and follow-up in gynaecological cancers (ESGO/ESHRE/ESGE, 2024)
Country: Italy
Field: Gynecology
Specialties: Gynecological oncology, gynecological ultrasound
Languages: Italian, English
Professor Yves Ville is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine at Necker-Enfants-Malades Hospital at the Paris Descartes University. He is the Chair and lead clinician in the largest fetal medicine and therapy unit in France. He has pursued a platform of work that has allowed clinical and academic progress of the subspecialty of fetal medicine, both nationally and internationally.
Country: France
Field: Obstetrics; Fetal Medicine
Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening T1; fetal anomalies; fetal brain; fetal growth restriction; fetal interventional procedures; multiple pregnancy; preterm delivery; genetics
Languages: English; French
Prof. Hye-Sung Won is currently the chairperson of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Ulsan College of Medicine and Asan Medical Center. She is a director of Fetal Treatment Center in Asan Medical Center. Her special interests are Prenatal Diagnosis of fetal structural anomalies, Fetal Cardiology, Twins, Fetal Surgery and Fetal Interventional Procedures. She established the first Fetal Treatment Center in South Korea, which has been leading the diagnosis and treatment of fetal structural anomaly.
Professor Won is the President of the Korean Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (KSUOG) and the Chair of Fetal Assessment and Management Committee at Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Professor Won, as the leader in maternal fetal medicine on Korean society, promotes research and education in ultrasound and is actively involved in supporting and connecting many other institutions together.
Hye-Sung Won is also a leading clinician of the largest Fetal Treatment Center in Korea and there making clinical and academic progresses of fetal diagnosis and therapy possible to develop further both nationally and internationally. She is exceptional in making diagnoses for cardiac abnormality including rare diseases, which is a very important part of perinatal counselling and management. She is the first clinician to do balloon aortic valvuloplasty for a fetus with severe aortic valve stenosis at 29 weeks of gestation in Korea. Moreover, she is specialized in prenatal diagnosis for various fetal disease and fetal therapy including shunt operation, fetal transfusion, radiofrequency ablation and fetoscopic laser surgery. She made over 500 cases of shunt operation for fetal pleural effusion, ascites, and lower urinary tract obstruction since 1999. She had done more than 200 cases of fetoscopic laser surgery for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, and the results showed high survival rate.
Country: Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Field: Obstetrics, Maternal-Fetal-Medicine
Specialties: Prenatal diagnosis; Fetal anomalies; Fetal cardiology; Fetal therapy; Fetal interventional procedures
Languages: Korean, English
ISUOG Trustee (2013-2019), 2018 ISUOG World Congress Chair, Outreach Committee
Prof. George SH Yeo is a Fetal Medicine specialist at the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH), Singapore. He graduated in Medicine at the University of Singapore in 1975, became a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, in 1996 and a Fellow of College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Singapore in 2004. He led the development of Maternal Fetal Medicine subspecialty in KKH and has been the Head of Obstetric Ultrasound and Prenatal Diagnosis since 1993. He established the screening of beta Thalassaemia and the combined First Trimester Screening in Singapore.
Prof. Yeo is also a Professor of OBGYN at the Duke-NUS School of Medicine and Associate Clinical Professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. He is head of the Maternal Fetal Section of the College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Singapore. He has more than 160 papers in indexed journals and speaks regularly to schools as well as national and international conferences. He also has a RG Score of 39.30 and Google Scholar citations of 5535.
Country: Singapore
Field: Obstetrics
Specialties: Fetal Anomaly screening 1st trimester; Fetal Anomaly screening 2nd trimester; Fetal biometry and wellbeing; Aneuploidies; Fetal heart; Fetal growth restriction; Multiple pregnancy; 3D and 4D ultrasound
Languages: English; Chinese (Mandarin)
UOG Social Media Editor