ISUOG Outreach heads to Central Asia and launches a new program to improve ultrasound access and education in Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyzstan Outreach Program


The ISUOG Outreach program will be launching its first program in Kyrgyzstan from 10-14 January 2022.

Led by Dr Irina Tihonenko (Belarus), the program is done in partnership with the Kyrgyz Association of Radiology and the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health. Due to the on-going pandemic, the ISUOG Secretariat will be handling its operations remotely from London with the ISUOG trainers Zooming in from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The rest of the program will be on the ground in the capital Bishkek while respecting local social distancing measures. 

25 trainees from across the country will be coming to Bishkek to receive training. The intention will be for them to then subsequently become trainers within their own jurisdictions to build capacity within the country.

Phase 1


Trip 1: 10-14 January 2022

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Trip 2: 22-26 May 2023

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Trip 3: 19-23 February 2024


The program is possible thanks to a partnership between the government and Kyrgyzstan Association of Radiology, working side by side with local doctors and ISUOG.
